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Randalstown Central Primary School

Our School


Board Of Governors

In accordance with the provisions of the Education and Libraries (NI) Order 1986, amended by the Education (NI) Order 1997, the composition of this school’s Boards of Governors is as follows;

9 Members

4 Transferor Representatives - Mr A Smyth, Mrs S White, Mr W Spilane & Mrs J Irvine

2 EA/DE Representatives - Mr W Logan, Mr D Fulton

2 Parent Representatives - Mr N Beckett, Mr R Kelly

1 Teacher Representative - Miss A McCurdy

Chairman of Governors - Mr A Smyth

Vice Chairman of Governors - Mr D Fulton

Designated Governor for Child Protection - Mrs S White

Designated Governor for Health & Wellbeing - Mr N Beckett



The Current Staff of the School is as follows...


Principal - Mr P Charlwood

Vice Principal & Head of Key Stage 2- Miss A McCurdy

Head of Foundation Stage & Key Stage One - Mrs S Hassall


Teaching Staff

Reception/Busy Bees - Mrs J McVicker

Primary 1 - Miss A McAleese

Primary 2 - Mrs S Smith & Mrs S Deyermond

Primary 3 - Mrs S Hassall

Primary 4 - Miss L Coyle

Primary 5 - Mrs J Barclay

Primary 6 - Miss A McCurdy

Primary 7 - Mr T Cook


Non-Teaching Staff

Secretary - Mrs P Irvine

Caretaker - Mr T Luke

Classroom Assistants - Miss D Neill, Miss E Speer, Mrs T Bates, Mrs B Gibson, Mrs S McIntyre, Mrs S Weir

Canteen Staff - Mrs C Hammil, Ms R Ross , Mrs M McAuley

Cleaning Staff - Miss D Neill, Mrs L Weir, Mrs L Speer

Crossing Patrol - Mrs R Peoples




Our School In Pictures


Our School In Video

Shared Education In Primary 4 & 5 September 2024
Parade video
When I grow up
Summer 2024 String Concert Piece 10
Summer 2024 String Concert Piece 9
Summer 2024 String Concert Piece 8